Students and Staff Celebrate Unity Day at Battle Hill School

Unity Day at Battle Hill School

Union Public Schools

The fourth-grade students and staff at Battle Hill School recently recognized Unity Day. The purpose of Unity day is to wear or share orange and unite for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to prevent students from being bullied.

The fourth-grade team gathered on the playground and participated in a variety of events to recognize the day. These events included a photo booth with positive messages, an orange bracelet station where students wrote their own messages of kindness and acceptance, and a team-building event to encourage collaboration. The orange bracelets were linked together and will be displayed in the hallway.

Students also had an opportunity to place their orange painted handprint inside a giant U painted on the playground. This legacy piece will always remind the Battle Hill class of 2022 of their stand against bullying. A great time was had by all participants! 

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