Chatham Township Volunteer Fire Department Community Appreciation Day & Open House

Community Appreciation Day & Open House – Oct. 9

Chatham Township Volunteer Fire Dept.

On Saturday, October 9th, from 2 – 7 p.m., we will be inviting all residents to visit Fire Headquarters located on River Road, to see the firehouse, equipment, and apparatus. The firefighters will teach fire safety and prevention; and ask residents to consider joining the CTVFD as a volunteer.

We are seeking sponsors to support this important event and our life saving mission.

If you would like to sign up for a sponsorship, make a donation, become a member, or assist the department in any other way, please call 973-635-2828, visit the website at, or email for more information.

Sponsorship Levels

Chief Level  – $1,500              
Name on CTVFD Website
Name/logo on main sign
Incorporation into marketing materials including print, radio, and social media
Your banner displayed in a prominent location
Three public announcements of recognition during the event
Tour of the firehouse and ride in a fire truck for up to 8 people
Six supporter t-shirts

Deputy Chief  – $1,000               
Name on CTVFD Website
Name/logo on main sign
Incorporation into marketing materials including print, radio, and social media
Your banner displayed in a prominent location
Two public announcements of recognition during the event
Four supporter t-shirts

Captain – $500
Name on CTVFD Website
Mention in social media and print marketing campaign
Name/logo on main sign
One public announcement of recognition during the event
Two supporter t-shirts

Lieutenant  – $250
Name on CTVFD Website
Mention in social media campaign
Name/logo on main sign

Firefighter – $100
Name on CTVFD Website

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