On May 18 and 19, the Scholarship Committee of Summit College Club (SCC) visited six houses, each one the home of a local high school scholarship winner, in order to award the SCC 2021 scholarships. This year Summit College Club, a branch of AAUW, awarded a total of $24,000.
This was the second year that the dangers of COVID forbade holding a reception that would gather all the winners indoors. This was the second year also that the Scholarship Committee, which runs the program, undertook the in-person, on-site delivery of the awards. At each house, the young woman in question emerged from her home, some with one parent, some with two, some with a sibling. There were even a few family dogs in on the fun.
Outside each home, the presenter delivered a short talk about Summit College Club, the particular scholarship being awarded, and some of the reasons why that particular girl had been chosen. Each girl received a bouquet of flowers, a certificate, and a check for $4,000.
The sunny, breezy weather could not have been better. The smiles—on the part of the winners, their families, and the Scholarship Committee—could not have been wider. Over and over, it was a joyful occasion.
Several members of the Scholarship Committee noted that this year’s winners seemed exceptionally accomplished. Hedy Tukey, president of Summit College Club, said that the organization has given out scholarships in nearly every year of its 101-year history; “indeed, the Tilla Thomas award is named for the woman who founded the club in 1920 and who started the tradition of awarding scholarships just a few years later.”