Gillette Resident Lydia Chu Leads Karate Academy

(above) Lydia Chu (right) receives her promotion certificate to 6th degree blackbelt from Master Instructor Linda Morey.

Local Resident Leads Karate Academy

Lydia Chu of Gillette has taken over as the Head Instructor of Chu’s Academy of Martial Arts, formerly Soo Bahk Do Karate of Gillette. Chu was recently promoted to 6th degree blackbelt in the traditional Korean martial art of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan. She holds five 1st place finishes in National Competition and has been instructing at the Gillette studio for more than 30 years. She is a graduate of Rutgers University and holds a BA in Business Administration and an MA in Education. She is a teacher in the Math Department at Watchung Hills Regional High School where she has taught for nearly 35 years. “I am very excited to continue the legacy of our academy’s founder, Master Instructor Linda Morey”, said Chu.

Morey, an 8th degree blackbelt and highest ranking woman in Soo Bahk Moo Duk Kwan founded the studio in 1982 under the name of Hwang Karate, a nod to her Instructor and the current head of the international organization, H.C. Hwang. She has since retired and turned over ownership to Chu and Program Director Michelle Cavett.

(above) Lydia Chu, (center), with students Zed Shyers (left) and Michael Ehlert, both of Millington.