Reflective Safety Vests Now Available to All Garwood Residents

(above) Residents can request a reflective safety vest by visiting the Garwood Police Department headquarters at 403 South Ave, Garwood, NJ, ring the dispatch bell within the vestibule, or contact Police Commissioner and Councilman Michael Ince at

Reflective Safety Vests Now Available 

The Borough of Garwood has expanded the reflective safety vest program so that any resident can now request a free vest to improve their visibility with motorists while walking at night.

Since the program launched last month, the Garwood Police Department and Garwood Police Commissioner and Councilman Michael Ince have distributed nearly 50 free reflective safety vests to seniors living in the municipality. Seniors were targeted in the first phase of the public safety program because they are at higher risk for pedestrian fatalities.    

“I’m excited to see that this important public safety program is expanding to include all residents in the Borough,” Mayor Sara Todisco said. “I hope that the demand for these reflective safety vests remains high and that all of us living in the Borough continue to do what we can to protect ourselves and prevent tragedies.”

According to the latest data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 76% of pedestrian fatalities are at night, and 22% of all pedestrian fatalities were 65 and older. The organization recommends pedestrians wear reflective materials or use a flashlight at night, improving visibility with motorists.

Residents can request a reflective safety vest by visiting the Garwood Police Department headquarters at 403 South Ave, Garwood, NJ, ring the dispatch bell within the vestibule, or contact Police Commissioner and Councilman Michael Ince at

“This program is just one of the many ways that we are working to improve public safety within the Borough,” said Mayor Todisco. “We remain committed to doing all we can as a Borough to ensure that everyone who lives and works in Garwood can do safely.”

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