Urgent Need Blood Drive at Holy Spirit Church in Union


On Sunday, January 10, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. a blood drive, conducted by Vitalant, will be held in the parish hall of Holy Spirit Church, 971 Suburban Road, Union.

To comply with social distancing, appointments are necessary. Please schedule yours at

https:// donor.cbsblood.org/ donor/ schedules/ drive_schedule/ 52341 or by calling (201) 251-3703.

During this time, the need for blood donations is more urgent than ever.

All successful donations will be tested for the antibodies that can help patients battling COVID-19. Donors are required to wear cloth-based masks or face coverings, bring ID, weigh at least 110 pounds, and eat a meal and drink plenty of water before donating.

If you have any questions, please call Dan Petruccelli at 908-370-6678 or Brenda McEntyre-Saunders at 862-250-0544.