Warren Township Mayor Shares Pandemic Update

Mayor’s Spotlight on Covid-19

Mayor Marion and Deputy Mayor Lazo, on behalf of the Township Committee, wish to provide important updates regarding COVID-19. 

COVID-19 has been with us for 8 months, and while we in New Jersey were able to lower our infection rate in the early summer months, we are now seeing an alarming uptick in cases. Locally, we are also seeing an increase in cases, and while they range across many ages, most seem to be younger (school aged) and between the ages of 35 and 60.

Many of the cases we are seeing in Warren and surrounding towns seem to be acquired from family members or attendance at gatherings/parties. Our Health Department has received many calls about individuals not abiding by quarantines, especially as they relate to schools.

Many of us have gotten lax to the basic advice and health tips from earlier this year. We must not give in to “COVID-19 FATIGUE,” but must remain conscientious of in order to STOP THE SPREAD.

As our activities move indoors and the holidays are coming up, a return to being diligent is crucial. We have been advised that Governor Murphy will be issuing guidance regarding the upcoming holidays.

Governor Murphy has issued Executive Order 194, which requires food and beverage establishments to close between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. For additional information regarding Executive Order 194, please see the “Latest Information” area on the Coronavirus Page on the Warren Township website at https://warrennj.org/424/COVID-19-Coronavirus-Information.

We urge all residents to observe the basic safety guidelines to stay healthy and minimize your chance of getting and/or spreading COVID-19. The key messages are the same, but due to the rise in cases, the following is more important than ever:

  • 1.     Stay home if you are sick.
  • 2.     Maintain a physical distance.
  • 3.     Wear a face covering.
  • 4.     Wash your hands with soap and water and avoid touching your face, eyes and mouth.
  • 5.     Avoid gatherings and parties.
  • 6.     To the extent that weather permits, socialize outdoors.
  • 7.     Follow the directions of health professionals, especially if advised to isolate or quarantine.
  • 8.     Even if you do not feel sick, that does not mean you cannot give it to someone else if you have been exposed
  • 9.     As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday it is very important to avoid contact with people not of your household.

Mayor Marion further stated that we will resume our video updates in December, but at this time, we wish to remind everyone that we must ALL act responsibly to fight “COVID-19 Fatigue” and STOP THE SPREAD.