Warren Township Purchases 20.35 Acre Parcel for Open Space

Warren Township Purchases Acre Parcel for Open Space

The Township Committee is pleased to announce that on July 13, 2020, they completed the purchase of a 20.35 acre parcel at 31 Ferguson Road, formerly known as the Morecraft Farm, for $1,500,000. The property was acquired utilizing the Township’s Open Space/Recreation and Historic Trust Fund.

Mayor Mick Marion commented, “The acquisition of this property renews the Township’s commitment for the acquisition of open space and the preservation of land in the Township. After completing the mandated Affordable Housing plan, the Township Committee has committed to evaluating properties to further our open space program.”

The Township has now preserved over 500 acres of open space utilizing the Open Space/ Recreation and Historic Trust Fund.

Deputy Mayor Lazo stated, “The continued preservation of land will further the recreation opportunities for our residents and preserve the quality of life in Warren.”

Over the next several months, the Township Committee will develop a plan for the future use of the property.

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