Learn About Dog Mushing At The Kenilworth Public Library

(above) Join Karen Land in a program to learn about dog mushing, being offered virtually by the library on June 30.

Kenilworth Library Virtual Presentation on Dog Mushing

Learn About Dog Mushing At The Kenilworth Public Library will be presented virtually on Tuesday, June 30 at 1:00 p.m. for children ages 4 – 12 years old and their families. The link to register for this 40 minute program will be available on the library’s facebook page, facebook.com/Kenilworth.public.library beginning at 9:00 a.m. on June 30. Registration is on a first come first served basis. It is recommended that participants sign on to the program link 10 minutes prior to the start of the program to enter the virtual waiting room.

Karen Land, a writer, public speaker, and wilderness advocate, will share her experiences with Iditarod dog mushing. Land will introduce her two dogs Noggin and Chloe, display her Iditarod dog sled and mushing gear.

Participants are welcome to ask questions through the chat box at the conclusion of this program.

During the talk, a wide range of subjects will be discussed including raising and training of sled dogs, the breeds of dogs used in long distance mushing, and the preparations needed to run a 1000-mile dog sled race. Land will also talk extensively about the Iditarod Race itself and tell some of her own stories from the trail.

The Kenilworth Public Library is closed at this time. For more information about this program, please email Coordinator of Children’s Services, Robin Koerner at rkoerner@lmxac.org

(above) Karen Land will talk about Iditarod dog mushing and introduce her two dogs, Noggin and Chloe, and display her Iditarod dog sled and mushing gear.

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