Adults Living on the Spectrum Thrive During National Autism Awareness Month

(above) Matthew Katz shows off his honor roll certificate from Union County College.

Community Access Unlimited Members on the Spectrum Thrive

Submitted by Community Access Unlimited

Matthew Katz and Aidan Dolan are thriving in life, neither considering living with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) an impediment to a fulfilling life. Katz recently achieved the honor roll at Union County College, where he is working toward his associate degree in social work. Dolan quit a job that left him feeling unfulfilled and now works 30 hours a week as a cashier in a cafeteria, where he loves meeting new people every day.

Katz and Dolan are members of Community Access Unlimited (CAU), a Union County-based, statewide nonprofit that strives to integrate people with disabilities and at-risk youth into the general community through comprehensive supports. In addition to ASD, both also have Asperger syndrome and Dolan has bipolar disorder.

Yet both are enjoying an enriching life fully integrated within the community.

April is National Autism Awareness Month, the aim of which is to assure that all people affected by autism are able to achieve the highest quality of life possible, according to the Autism Society of America. Specifically, National Autism Awareness Month is intended to build a better awareness of the signs, symptoms and realities of autism and focus on providing information and resources for communities to be more aware of autism, promote acceptance and be more inclusive in everyday life.

Katz, 27, is proud of his accomplishments as a student and plans to help others who face challenges.

“I want to help people who struggle with their own inner darkness and help give them a reason to choose a different direction or path,” he said. “Specifically, I want to help abuse victims because the environment they come from makes them not the way they should end up being. I would like to try to make a change in their life.”

Katz knew he wanted to help others when he was 16 and recognized a college degree was the path to achieving that goal. Attending Union County College is his first step.

In addition to working in the cafeteria at CAU, Dolan also participates in the annual musical production staged by the agency’s CAU Community Players, a troupe of performers with and without disabilities. This year the troupe is scheduled to stage “Guys and Dolls,” which will be Dolan’s fourth production.

“I like showing what I can bring to the Community Players,” he said.

Dolan, 25, had to overcome issues with shyness and difficulty in large crowds to participate in the play each year, something he achieved by working with his CAU behaviorist, Jennifer Souza. The two practice role-playing so Dolan can prepare for situations before they occur and they work on his coping skills. They speak every day, according to Souza.

“Now Aidan has better communication skills, when before he used to just shut down,” she said. “And performing in front of a group of people is a huge accomplishment.”

Added Dolan, “I love working with Jennifer. She helps me when I’m stressed and we go places and talk.”

Katz also appreciates the support he receives from his CAU staff, who sometimes help him with his research for homework.

“I’ve noticed how intelligent he is,” said Charles Estrada, the program director at the CAU property where Katz lives. “When it’s time to study or complete his assignments, he locks himself in his room and buckles down.”

In 2020 the Centers for Disease Control estimates that one in 54 children will be diagnosed with ASD. According to Autism Speaks, more than half young adults with ASD remain unemployed or not enrolled in higher education after high school, a lower rate than other categories of people with disabilities. CAU has enabled Katz and Dolan to counter those statistics.

“I want to get married, start a family and move into my own home,” Dolan said. “Working with CAU and Jennifer will help me achieve those goals.”

Today Katz all but ignores his disability.

“It really doesn’t affect me,” he said. “I don’t really see my disability as part of me at this point. It makes no difference to me.”

He added that he hopes people consider the whole person when learning someone has a disability, and that they don’t treat them as different.

“I do think when people learn of someone having a disability in general, there’s always an automatic stereotype, and I think that still exists in our society,” he said. “I think that stereotype is to treat people by the label. I like something my teacher said, that a disability is part of you, it’s not all of you.”

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About Community Access Unlimited

Community Access Unlimited (CAU), celebrating more than 40 years in 2020, supports people with special needs in achieving real lives in the community. CAU provides support and gives voice to adults and youth who traditionally have little support and no voice in society. CAU helps people with housing, life skills, employment, money management, socialization and civic activities. CAU also supports opportunities for advocacy through training in assertiveness, decision-making and civil right. CAU currently serves more than 5,000 individuals and families, with the number served growing each year. For more information about CAU and its services, contact us by phone at 908-354-3040, online at or by mail at 80 West Grand Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07202.

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Community Access Unlimited continues to expand and we have a number of full time and part time openings available. Contact our HR department at 908-354-3040 ext. 4203 to learn more! For a full list of available positions, visit

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