Message from the Kenilworth Volunteer Fire Department & Rescue Squad

Fire Department and Rescue Squad Express Gratitude

The Kenilworth Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad would like to express our sincere gratitude for the outpouring of support that our Department has experienced over the course of this pandemic. Our all-volunteer department has been confronted with many never before seen challenges during these unprecedented times, but your support is helping us continue to provide the “professional” level of service that we all pride ourselves on. The Kenilworth community’s donations of dinner platters, pizzas, sub sandwiches, desserts, care packages, cases of Girl Scout cookies, hand sanitizer, masks, mask-extenders, face shields, etc. have been non-stop. These donations have not only helped us to keep operating safely, but they have also supported us in a much more intangible way – they raise our spirits and boost morale! Each delivery, supportive card or child’s poster that we see reminds us “Why we are here” and that we are all sacrificing our safety for a much “Greater Good” — this makes it all worth it. 

The pandemic is still unfolding, so please continue to heed the advice of authorities and use extreme caution. You all know the rules by now; social distance, flatten the curve, support your local small businesses, be patient and enjoy the extra time with your families. Also, please remember to support the staff at the local hospitals. These incredible folks are dealing with the physical and emotional affects of this virus 24/7. We’ve seen first hand what they are going through and the amazing job that they are doing. 

It’s truly inspiring to see what can be accomplished when an entire community works together. Thank you again! Stay safe and hang in there. The Officers and Members of the Kenilworth Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad will be standing by. 

Photos by ©2020 KFD

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