Madison’s Thursday Morning Club holds Scholarship Social

(above, l-r) Peggy Merrick, Melanie Cuentas, and Nancy Guempel

Thursday Morning Club’s 2020 Scholarship Social

Submitted by Cathy Gotliffe

On January 16, 2020 Thursday Morning Club (TMC) President Susan Packie welcomed 70 TMC members and their guests who had gathered to celebrate the Club’s support of the education of children. This event, called the Scholarship Social, was organized by Education Chairs, Peggy Merrick and Nancy Guempel. The event provides TMC members with the opportunity to meet two of the seven recipients of the scholarships/awards that the Club funds, and to enjoy lunch and games afterwards.

Sadie Doberman, currently a Madison High School junior, was sponsored by TMC to attend the 2019 Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership conference held last June at Kean University. Sadie noted that she “learned a lot about what it means to be a better person and a better member of society.” Sadie was accompanied at the Social by her mother, Mrs. Hoberman, and by Madison High School Director of Guidance Counselor, Phyllis Levy.

Melanie Cuentas, now a senior at Benedictine Academy in Elizabeth, was sponsored by TMC to attend Girls’ Career Institute (GCI) in June 2019 at Douglass College. Melanie also described her experiences at GCI, and led her audience through one of the short bonding activities that she learned during her time at Douglass College. Melanie attended the Social with Benedictine Academy Principal, Ashley Powell.

Both students considered these educational opportunities to be life-changing, and thanked the Thursday Morning Club for their support.

The lunch was well received, and we had great support from volunteers.

(above, l-r) Peggy Merrick and Sadie Hoberman

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