The Woman’s Club of Westfield Helps The Paul Jackson Fund

(above) Mary Jackson, Jane Walsweer, Margery Brewster, Mary Ann Sepe, Pat D’Angelo, Nancy Muserlian, Ruth Positan and Vivian O’Neil.

The Woman’s Club of Westfield Collects for The Paul Jackson Fund

Submitted by Anne Magnotti

The members of the Woman’s Club of Westfield  recently collected food supplies from its members to be donated to The Paul Jackson Fund based in Westfield, for distribution to welcome homes with the hope of filling needs, putting smiles on the faces of family members and spreading cheer during this holiday season.

Mary Jackson, sister of the late Paul Jackson, visited recently with the club members and the members all remember hearing about her brother who was diagnosed with a spinal tumor at the age of 28.  Mr. Jackson was left paralyzed from the chest down and was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.  After surgery, Mr. Jackson was left with high medical and rehabilitation bills much of which were uninsured procedures.

A group of friends made up of former Westfield football team players along with the parents of Little league players who Mr.Jackson had coached, got together and the fund was born.  Mr. Jackson was so touched by the loving and generous spirit of his friends that when he was physically able, he took over the fund and began working and passing on good will to those who had no where to turn in time of crisis and worked toward giving hope to people without hope. Many  have been helped through the years and many more will be helped in the days to come by the charity of last resort,

For more information about The Paul Jackson Fund, e-mail

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