FKH School Recycling Crusaders a Plant Garden

(above) Recycling Crusaders hard at work in the dirt!

Frank K. Hehnly Elementary School Recycling Crusaders a Plant Garden

The FKH Recycling Crusaders’ final event of the 2018-2019 academic year brought to a close a garden project months in making.

In late March and early April, the team worked to upcycle plastic bottles and containers into small planters and planted seeds, which students of FKH Elementary have been nurturing in preparation. The group took advantage of the beautiful weather and helped Mrs. Mytrowitz prepare the outdoor garden area by weeding, filling beds with new soil, and planning a layout. The cucumber, eggplant, and butterfly flower plants which had sprouted in the bottles were then carefully transplanted into their permanent home for the growing season.

Mrs. Conner and Mrs. Estevez are excited to transfer care of the plants from the club to the current Kindergarten class, who will be watering the plants until the end of the school year. The plants will then be attended to by volunteer teachers during the summer break and hopefully the garden will even yield some fresh produce.

Photo by Clark Public Schools

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