Summit Installs 4 way stop sign

Four-way Stop Installed at Intersection of Springfield and Hobart Avenues

As part of a coordinated effort to enhance traffic safety and promote traffic calming measures that include community outreach and education, lower speed limits, speed humps and flashing beacons, the Summit Police Department and Department of Community Services engineering division have installed a four-way stop at the intersection of Springfield Avenue and Hobart Avenue. The four-way stop is intended to help lower vehicle speeds on a section of roadway with significant vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic.

“Four-way stops at busy intersections have worked well as safety and traffic calming measures,” explains Summit Police Chief Robert Weck. “The police department and engineering division will continue to work with Mayor Radest, Common Council and area residents to ensure our city roadways continue to be safe for those that travel on them.”

Chief Weck asks motorists to avoid unsafe driving practices by allowing ample time for travel to your destination.

For more information on the Summit Police Department and traffic safety initiatives, please go to

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