Noble, a miniature therapy horse, visited the Garwood Public Library to the delight of a room full of children and parents. Maureen Coultas from Hope’s Promise, presented Noble to the capacity crowd of thirty visitors on Wednesday, January 9, 2019.
Hope’s Promise, located in Chester. NJ, offers various horsemanship programs. They also arrange equine therapy visits where miniature horses are brought to assisted living facilities, nursing homes, group homes, hospitals, schools, and libraries. Horses are trained to go inside of buildings, ride in elevators, and will even go into bedrooms if individuals are bed-ridden.
Ms. Coultas shared stories about Noble, his home at Hope’s Promise, and answered questions from an enthused audience. She also read from her recently published book “My Friend Chief.” The book is about Michelangelo, a bored miniature horse who wants to hear the story of his friend Chief, a full-sized Appaloosa who lives at Hope’s Promise Farm with him. The story tells of how Chief came to be a therapeutic riding horse who helps many different individuals with special needs learn how to ride. The book has beautiful photos for horse lovers to enjoy and serves as a wonderful teaching tool for those who want to learn about therapeutic horseback riding.
The book is available for purchase on the Hope’s Promise website