Submitted by James Bigsby
The annual Immaculata Scholastica competition was held recently. The competition is a rigorous academic quiz bowl featuring content areas such as Science, Mathematics, Literature, World History, World Religion as well as Fine Arts, and Health Sciences.
The Green Brook Middle School academic team, once again lead by 8th grade student Anmol Bhatia, battled their way to victory for the second year in a row. Also on the team and proudly representing Green Brook, was Ryan Wang, Bryan Zhang, Brenda Zhang, Atharva Kalyanpur, and Benjamin Liu. Through six arduous rounds of fierce competition, two incredibly close rounds in score, our team found their confidence and were on a roll. GBMS was victorious in every single round they competed in. Win or lose, it was an excellent academic experience for all who participated.

(above) The Green Brook Middle School academic team.