Submitted by Judy Doran
Maria Delrosario, a senior at Mother Seton High School in Clark, attended the Clark American Legion Auxiliary Christmas Party to thank ALA members for sponsoring her to Girls State this past July. Maria told of her week attending the convention at Georgian Court College to members and guests.
Girls State educates and prepares high school students on the workings of our government. Maria’s week at Girls State was filled with meetings and conferences with girls from all over New Jersey. She loved meeting other New Jersey students and making new friends. Miss Delrosario plans to study nursing at a New Jersey college in the fall of 2019. With her experience at Girls State she will be prepared to be an active citizen of the great state of New Jersey.

(above, l-r) ALA President Tammi Angelo, Girls State Representative from Mother Seton High School Maria Delrosario, and Chairwoman of the Clark Girls State Committee Karen Fink.