Submitted by Judy Doran
World Was 1 formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. On November 11 at 11 a.m. services were held at the A.L. Johnson High School in Clark to honor all veterans. The Clark American Legion Auxiliary, the American Legion, the VFW, town officials, fire and police organizations placed memorial wreaths. The Boy Scouts, UNICO, Emergency Squad members and many town residents also attended to honor the service of our veterans. Mayor Sal Bonaccorso, Commander J. Switek of the American Legion, Commander Jack Doran of the VFW, and Tammi Angelo, President of the ALA Auxiliary addressed the crowd.
Clark Mayor Sal Bonaccorso commented how proud he and the town council were to govern in a community that had such active veteran’s organizations. Commander Switek of the American Legion asked all to reflect and celebrate the 22 million veterans for their willingness to serve. VFW Commander Doran reminded us that veterans pledge their lives to protect our safety and way of life. Tammi Angelo, Auxiliary President, asked that we recognize your Veteran neighbors, friends and family by flying the flag and visiting Veteran Hospitals.
The flag was lowered, taps were played and a 12 gun salute sounded as the Clark community bowed their heads in a closing prayer offered by the American Legion Chaplain Steve Burczynski. Everyone was invited to return to the American Legion Post on Westfield Avenue for refreshments where everyone had a chance to speak to veterans and thank them personally. It was a great way to celebrate Veterans Day.
“Proud of who we are, what we do and where we are going.”

(above) ALA President Tammi Angelo, right, and members place Auxiliary wreath at Johnson high school at 11 a.m. on November 11, 2018. The 100th year anniversary of the signing of the armistice to end World War 1.