Joseph C. Gasper is currently 16 years old and is a Life Scout in Troop 83 of Kenilworth. Within the Troop, he is the Senior Patrol Leader and loves to help and guide the younger scouts, so that one day they can become Eagle Scout’s like him. Joseph is pursuing the rank of Eagle Scout, and to do so must complete a project.
An Eagle Scout Project consists of the scout planning and preparing a project that will benefit his town and community while showing his leadership skills. Through the years, Joseph has seen that the Recreation Center of Kenilworth was growing so massively that they needed more space for equipment storage. Since the Recreation Center uses DiMario Park as the main location for summer camp activities, soccer, softball games, and other town activities, storage for all the equipment is needed.
Joseph’s project is to build a shed large enough to house all of the Park’s equipment, providing a safer environment for the children, as well as much needed storage for the Recreation Dept.
The estimated cost of this project would be 3,500. Joseph is humbly requesting donations for funds for his project. Thanking you in advice for your generosity.
Funds can be sent via:

(above) Joseph C. Gasper is fundraising for his Eagle Scout Project, which will build an equipment shed at DiMario Park.