On Wednesday, November 7, 2018 from 6:00 – 9:30 p.m., at the Galloping Hill Inn, 325 Chestnut Street, Union, NJ, the Cranford Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its Pride in Cranford Awards. As in prior years, the nominations for those receiving the awards are made by the public. If you know of a friend, neighbor or organization who you feel should be acknowledged for their efforts in making Cranford a better community through their volunteer efforts, please pick up an application at one of the locations listed below and submit their names to the Chamber of Commerce before Friday, September 21, 2018.
There are two categories for nominations – Community Service Award which is for an individual, group or organization that has helped make Cranford a better community through its volunteer efforts; or a Community Development Award which is for a business or individual who has developed or remodeled its exterior commercial property within the last two years, consistent with Cranford’s guidelines.
The nomination forms will be available at the following locations: Cranford Library, Cranford Community Center, Simply – 11 N. Union Avenue, Chamber of Commerce Office (lower level in Municipal Bldg.), or NJ Driver – 108 Walnut Avenue.
Nomination forms are also available on-line from the Chamber website at cranford.com/chamber.
Nomination forms should be completed and returned to the Chamber office by September 21, 2018. If you have any questions, please call Dottie Baniewicz at the Chamber office at 908-272-6114.