Garwood Library Bookmark Design Winners

Garwood students from pre-k through 8th grade were challenged to submit original bookmark designs around the theme “Libraries Rock”, this year’s Summer Reading theme. A winner was chosen from each grade.

The winners are as follows: Pre K winner: Kendal Trentacosta; Kindergarten winner: Riley Herz; First Grade winner: Hasen Gallardo Gomez; Second Grade winner: Hannah Scepkowski; Third Grade winner: Craig Lowry; Fourth Grade winner: Tyler Lerouge; Fifth Grade winner: Ava Hladek; Sixth Grade winner: Lauren Raftree; No entry from Seventh grade; Eighth Grade winner: Peyton Ann Collings.

All winners received a certificate and small gift from the Library. The winning bookmark for each grade was reproduced and distributed to the winner’s classmates. All the bookmarks are now available to the public at the Garwood Library. Come in and take one. Thanks goes out to Advanced Printing of Garwood for donating their service for this project.

(above) The winning bookmark designs created by students from pre-k to grade 8.