Watchung teen Jacqueline Lee celebrated her birthday in June in an unusual way – she gave to others. Lee planned and organized an “Evening Outdoors,” with Japanese finger foods (generously donated by Shogun 22) and a live Jazz band on the “patio” below the library. Lee also offered origami pieces for sale, including her OrigamiUSA award-winning creation “Kusudama Versailles,” made from 60 sheets of paper.
Explaining her decision to raise funds to keep a library in Watchung, Lee said, “The Watchung library is one of my favorite places to go, and I can truly say it has enriched my life. I planned this fundraiser to support saving our beloved library. Thank you to all who participated in the event and to those who couldn’t make it yet still generously donated to this important cause. It was amazing to see how much a group of citizens with a common mission can accomplish together.”
Reporting that she “had a great time,” Watchung resident Cori Haveson commented that, “The band and food were fabulous. Everyone looked like they were really enjoying themselves. There was an impressive turnout of young people. What a fun way to support the library! I hope we do it once a month, next time with a dance floor!”
Thomas Cheng called the event “incredible.” He observed that it “truly reflected the heart of the matter. The Library is not just about books, it is about building a strong community. It was great to see people of all ages, race, and culture come together in agreement.”
Former Borough Council member Tom Franklin remarked that “The fellowship among us was very apparent, as it would be among those who share a worthy cause. Our determination to save the Watchung Library has not faded in the least.”
The event drew about 60 library supporters and raised funds for the effort to keep a library in Watchung.