The acclaimed JPs island-infused duo, comprising “Kenilworth’s own” renowned singer-songwriter Jimi Pappason guitar and John Patti on steel drums will be flying in from Florida for an “End-of-Summer” Party to be presented by the Kenilworth Historical Society on Fri., Sept. 7, 2018 (6 p.m.-11 p.m.) at the Kenilworth Veterans Center. The fun-filled party, which is being held as a fundraiser for the Oswald J. Nitschke House “living history” museum and cultural arts center, will feature the JPs’ smooth, jazz-/tropical-infused acoustic music, which has captivated audiences all over the world and left fans craving more!
The event also will include a delicious three-course island-style dinner, a gift auction, a 50/50 raffle, dancing, prizes — and more. The buffet-style dinner includes vegetables with dip, chips and salsa; shrimp stir fry; roasted jerk chicken; Caribbean pulled pork; tossed garden salad; corn and black bean salad; tri-color pasta salad; fiesta lime rice; Italian rolls and butter; dessert, coffee and tea.
Cost of admission is $55. Advance reservations are required. Tables accommodate 8-10 people. For further information/reservations, please call 908-709-0434 or 908-709-8957. Tickets are also on sale at Especially Yours Florist (13 North 20th Street, Kenilworth).