Submitted by Kathleen Rogers-vanLeeuwen
Dr. Brian Regal will speak on “The Secret Life of the New Jersey Devil” at the Madison Historical Society, located at the Madison Public Library, Chase Room, 39 Keep Street, Madison, New Jersey. Regal’s presentation will take place on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, beginning at 7:15 p.m. Light refreshments will be available from 7 p.m. The presentation is open to the public, and there is no admission charge.
Dr. Regal will talk about the New Jersey Devil, a popular piece of North Eastern folklore. It is widely believed to have been demonic offspring of an 18th century character known as Mother Leeds. It continues to be sighted and searched for to this day, has inspired television productions, and is the mascot of the state’s hockey team. Unfortunately, there is no physical evidence for the creature’s existence or that it was originally based upon a monstrous birth. Written with Dr. Frank J. Esposito, Regal’s latest book, “The Secret History of the Jersey Devil,” is a complete reexamination of the origins of the legend of the Jersey Devil.
The Madison Historical Society’s role is to assemble, record, and preserve all matters of historical interest concerning Madison and its residents. Formed in 1922 to preserve the old Bottle Hill Tavern, the Society has organized a significant collection of historic documents, maps, and photographs over the intervening years. These are housed at the Local History Center at the Madison Public Library. For more information about the Society or to inquire about membership, call 973-377-0722, ext. 8 or visit the Society’s website at