Proceeds will fund the revitalization of the school garden

The Brunner PTA has launched a brick paver sale to fund the revitalization of the Children’s Garden at Brunner Elementary School. Individuals can have a brick paver installed in their name or in honor of someone special. “The paver sale will help the garden become a true outdoor classroom,” said Deb Lambert, President of Brunner PTA.
The Children’s Garden at Brunner Elementary School was established in the 1990s as a dedicated Monarch Waystation by Bernadette Hoyer, a teacher at the school. Today the garden is intended to serve multiple functions for the school and the community.
“The revitalized garden will preserve habitat for pollinators, provide a place of visual splendor, and become a learning space that enriches curriculum,” said Scott Bortnick, Principal of Brunner Elementary School, where the garden is located.
The paver sale is running from May 1 until September 1, 2017, or until all bricks have been sold.
Two sizes are available for purchase: 4” x 8” for $50.00 or 8” x 8” for $125.00. The pavers will be installed in one of three activity areas in the garden. For more information or to order a paver, please email or visit