Fanwood Shade Tree Commission Arbor Day Observance

An Arbor Day observance was held on April 28th at Fanwood’s Carriage House Park. The observance is a program of the Fanwood Shade Tree Commission, which recruits the Park Middle School Environmental Club to present a short program. This year is the 24th consecutive year Fanwood has been named a Tree City USA, a designation that sets Fanwood apart as a town that values trees and has an active program for tree sustainability. Children from Park Middle did a presentation on the Emerald Ash Borer, a beetle that is killing ash trees through this part of the country. Cub Scouts from Pack 98 at Coles Elementary School provided a color guard. And Fanwood Councilwoman Kathy Mitchell read a proclamation from the Mayor and Council. Councilmen Russ Huegel and Tom Kranz were also present. Shade Tree Commission Chairman Steve Falco was master of ceremonies.