On March 8, 2017, the Fanwood-Scotch Plains Rotary Club presented new member Dan Weiniger with a check for $1,000 for the NJ Sharing Network, an organization committed to saving lives through organ and tissue donation and transplantation.
Weiniger is waiting for a new heart; In February 2003 at the age of 42, he had a heart attack followed by quintuple bypass surgery. He lived a normal life until February 2015, when he suffered another heart attack, and it was so severe that a bypass could not be performed. “It didn’t look good until an LVAD (left ventricular assist device) was presented to me,” said Weiniger. LVADs were first invented to keep patients alive while waiting for a transplant.
Weiniger is keeping busy while waiting for the transplant and he plans to participate in NJ Sharing Network’s 5K Celebration of Life on June 4, 2017 in New Providence, NJ. The money (above l-r) Dan Weiniger, President Carmela Resnick, President-Elect Steve Goldberg, Secretary Kim Decker raised for the event will be used to save lives through “innovative transplant research, family support, public awareness and education about the life-saving benefits of organ and tissue donation and transplantation.”
Members of the Rotary Club will continue to support Weiniger by participating in the walk or by sponsoring him. If anyone is interested in participating, sponsoring or donating, go to njsharingnetwork.org.
If you are passionate about serving your community, are interested in working on international projects or just want to change the world, visit the Fanwood-Scotch Plains Rotary any Wednesday at 12:15pm at the Stage House Restaurant in Scotch Plains.

(above l-r) Dan Weiniger, President Carmela Resnick, President-Elect Steve Goldberg, Secretary Kim Decker