Crusader Athletic Leadership Council

In December members of the Crusader Athletic Leadership Council met in the ALJ High School IMC. This is the sixth year for the Crusader Athletic Leadership Council, an organization that has been founded to help educate the student athletes on some of the expectations the school has for them as they compete interscholastically in a variety of athletics.
The guest speaker was Ed Agresta. Agresta is the author of three books. “Don’t Count the Days… Make the Days Count!”, “Power Statements”, “101 Radical and Tremendous Teaching Tools, Tips, Techniques, For Transformational Thinking in the Classroom and in Life” and soon to be released, “WOW-Watch Out World” and “I Dare You”. Ed is an awardwinning educator, presenter and coach. For over 20 years he has been presenting his special insights into the most powerful techniques available for developing peak performance. He is a fascinating, humorous speaker and a gifted communicator, who has given more than 1500 presentations to corporations, schools, and athletic teams.
Gus Kalikas, Athletic Director said “The C.A.L.C. was thrilled to have Ed Agresta come and speak to us on multiple topics relevant to high school athletics today, including leadership. Ed reached all of our students and left them with great strategies that will not only help on the fields, courts, and mats, but also in the game of life. He was a true professional and inspires while delivering a wonderful message.”