Scotch Plains Police Lt. Peal Speaks at the UN

On December 12, 2016, Police Lieutenant Beverley Peal spoke at the United Nations to the African Project of the International Visitor Leadership Program.
The program “Women Leaders: Promoting Peace and Security” for the Africa Regional Project, consisted of women from African countries, whose objectives were highlighting women’s role in conflict resolution, national reconciliation and peace keeping, and humanitarian relief operations. Lt. Peal specifically addressed the exploration of best practices for incorporating women’s presence in police forces including recruitment, retention and promotional opportunities.
“The discussion went extremely well with a lot of open dialog about some of the myths and abilities of a female officer’s effectiveness in law enforcement, and potential solutions to improving recruitment and advancement of women in law enforcement,” said Peal. “This evolved into a discussion of how female officers improve the reporting and investigation of crimes such as human trafficking, sexual abuse and addressing victim issues,” she added.
The U.S. State Department has invited Lt. Peal Bev Peal to return in May to speak with another delegation at a security conference.
Lt. Peal is the Regional 2 Coordinator of the International Association of Women Police. As part of her position, which is strictly voluntary, Lt. Peal has traveled to Australia, Wales, Ireland, Trinidad, and Tobago, United Arab Emirates and all over the North American continent promoting Training and Leadership for Law Enforcement. Scotch Plains Police Chief Ted Conley commented, “We are proud that Lt. Peal is a member of the IAWP and represents the Scotch Plains Police Department all around the world.”
More information about the IWAP and Lt. Peal’s talk can be found at

(above) Lieutenant Beverley Peal is surrounded by members of the delegation