Clark Recreation 2016 House Decorating Contest Results

Clark Recreation held its Annual House Decorating Contest this season. Winners of this friendly family competition were awarded Thursday night. The committee, consisting of four anonymous judges, drove around town for the last week seeking to review and judge each of the 24 homes that entered the contest. The judging was difficult as each home was unique and really out did themselves. In the end, five homes were awarded an Ace Hardware Gift certificate, a lawn sign and bragging rights. In the past, only three homes are selected, but due to the overwhelming response this year, Recreation Director Ralph Bernardo expanded the number of recipient winners. Bernardo hopes “all residents enjoyed driving around town reviewing all the homes”. The following homes are the 2016 winners:
Most Outrageous
Knob Family – 16 Durham Dr
Roseman Family – 892 Raritan Rd

Most Traditional
Bonney Family – 15 Roberts Rd

Overall Favorite
Sangiuliano Family – 105 Mildred Tr.
Minnitti Family – 94 Jupitor St.