Township of Union Hosts Student Government Day

The Township of Union recently hosted Union High School’s “Student Government” pupils for “Student Government Day” at the Township Municipal Building. As a part of the day, students paired off with municipal employees, administrators, the Mayor and Committee to get an inside look at what goes into running the Township on a day to day basis. Students who were paired with the Clerk, Mayor and Committee• members were even able to run a Township Committee meeting where they got to experience government in action.

(above) Mayor Manuel Figueiredo, Deputy Mayor Suzette Cavadas, Committeewoman Michele Delisfort, Committeeman Joseph Florio, Committeeman Clifton People, Jr., and the pupils of Union High School’s “Student Government.” Photo Courtesy of the Township of Union

(above) Mayor Manuel Figueiredo, Deputy Mayor Suzette Cavadas, Committeewoman Michele Delisfort, Committeeman Joseph Florio, Committeeman Clifton People, Jr., and the pupils of Union High School’s “Student Government.”
Photo Courtesy of the Township of Union