Opening Day For Staff of Warren Schools

By: Mary Ann McGann

“There is something about the energy of a new school year that is so invigorating,” says Superintendent Dr. Matthew Mingle, who addressed a nearly standing room only crowd at Warren Middle School on Sept. 1. “The optimism in the room was contagious. There are always challenges but we are doing great things here, which makes it a joy to come to work every day.”
Mingle, who began his tenure in Warren on July 1, acknowledged the dedication and hard work of all of the district’s employees, many of whom were meeting him for the first time. He applauded last year’s winners of the Excellence in Education awards – Catherine Maguire, Catherine Murphy, Vivien Plesmid, Jennifer SanAntonio, Adam Yenish – while pointing out that “there are countless examples” of others who strive for this kind of excellence every day.
Warren Township Board of Education President Tia Allocco echoed that sentiment.
“What makes [this district] so special?” she asked the gathering. “It’s every single professional in this room.”
Each building principal spoke to what he or she feels makes Warren Township Schools so strong, while Mingle reiterated his continued commitment to the “whole child” approach to education, saying “this focus on defining academic achievement on more than just a few standardized tests scores is not new in Warren.”
The superintendent also introduced staff members new to the district, who attended a twoday orientation earlier this week as part of a year-long program to provide valuable support as they transition into their new positions.
“I do not think I have ever seen such commitment to working together on behalf of children in one place before arriving here,” he says. “Warren is a place where going beyond the call of duty is so routine that many do not really stop to recognize the extraordinary work being done here. I hope to shine a light on students and staff who embody the district’s mission to shine brighter every day.”

(above) Superintendent Dr. Matthew Mingle addressed school district staff on Sept. 1, as all gathered to prepare for the return of students on Sept. 6.

(above) Superintendent Dr. Matthew Mingle addressed school district staff on Sept. 1, as all gathered to prepare for the return of students on Sept. 6.