By: Edir Coronado
Eric Schwartz began working as the Buildings and Grounds Supervisor of Watchung Borough School District on July 1, 2009 and from day one he has made an impactful impression on students, faculty, and parents. A big part of Eric’s success was his work ethic and his ability to always have a solution whenever there was a problem. Whether it was Eric and his crew solving the issue, or Eric enlisting the right personnel outside of his team to resolve the matter, he always seemed to have the right answer. Most of the time it was Eric and his team who stepped in to help, this explains Michael Vignola Principal at Bayberry School, was essential because it saved the school district an immense amount of money by not having to hire outside contractors.
While Eric truly enjoyed his job and working with his hands, his favorite part of the day was interacting with the teachers and students, and they in turn enjoyed Eric’s presence. Eric had a knack for making those around him feel comfortable and people really enjoyed being around him, always coming up with a quick joke to keep everyone in a merry mood. Eric always put the needs of teachers and students first an essential part of the job, since his job was to make sure the facilities were up to date and safe for teachers and students.
Now that Eric has retired he will have plenty of time to focus on his hobbies, which include general aviation, motorcycles, hunting, fishing, or “anything to do with the outdoors,” expressed Eric. Eric is being replaced by Nick Naturile. “Nick has been velcroed to my hip for the last three weeks,” stated Eric recently, which is in an indication that Nick will be fully prepared for the job that lies ahead.