Women Walking For Women

Please join The Presbyterian Church at New Providence women on Saturday, October 15th, 2016, 9am at South Mountain Reservation as we walk to empower vulnerable women in Malawi, Africa through vocational training! To sign up for this event or to find out more details, please visit www.womenwalkingforwomen.org
The Presbyterian Church at New Providence has been supporting a program which trains women for 10 years in Malawi. In Malawi, many women are educated only until age eleven, making it difficult to support themselves and their families. As a result of their lack of education, being forced into early marriage, divorce, being a widow, or having a disability, these vulnerable women live in poverty. Many vulnerable young girls and women, who lack skills or education end up in sex work. This training keeps them safe and out of dangerous industries. Receiving vocational training greatly increases the woman’s ability to earn a living in a safe manner; increasing her ability to care for herself and her family.
We hope you will join other women in our area as they walk to empower and help support the Malawi women.
Please contact the church office 908-665-0050 if you have any questions.

(above) While on a recent trip to Malawi, The Presbyterian Church members met Eletina Iscort (center) who graduated in December of 2015.She and her husband (who is a pastor in a community which cannot pay pastors a living wage) had no steady income. She not only began her business tailoring in her community but she is also giving back by teaching others how to tailor. Eletina is now earning enough for her family to eat well, is able to pay for her children's school fees and has begun to employ others in her village.

(above) While on a recent trip to Malawi, The Presbyterian Church members met Eletina Iscort (center) who graduated in December of 2015.She and her husband (who is a pastor in a community which cannot pay pastors a living wage) had no steady income. She not only began her business tailoring in her community but she is also giving back by teaching others how to tailor. Eletina is now earning enough for her family to eat well, is able to pay for her children’s school fees and has begun to employ others in her village.