Jumble Store Halloween Costume Extravaganza

Join us for the 3rd Annual Halloween Costume Extravaganza at The Jumble Store, 110 Walnut Ave in Cranford. The sale will run Saturday, September 24th from 10am-5pm. Look great while doing good in your community! Thanks to a very generous donation from a local costume distributor, we have over 200 costumes for kids and adults! Almost all in their original packages. Most kids costumes are $5 and adult costumes are $10. Celebrate Halloween for low low prices! Like us – The Jumble Store – on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @jlepjumblestore & Instagram – thejumblestore for previews. All proceeds support the Junior League of Elizabeth- Plainfield’s Career Closet, which provides FREE business wear and accessories for women reentering the workforce; Teen Closet, which provides FREE resume and college essay editing and FREE career wear for underserved HS seniors; and JLEP College Scholarships. Visit www.jlepnj.org or email information@jlepnj.org to learn more and get involved with The Junior League of Elizabeth-Plainfield.
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