Mountainside Police Hires

 Police Officer Eric Pastore

On July 5th the Mountainside Borough Council swore-in Eric Pastore as the borough’s 84th police officer in the department’s history. Eric’s oath of office was administered by Police Commissioner Keith Turner. Officer Pastore is a long-time volunteer with the Mountainside Rescue Squad where he currently serves as Captain.

(above) Officer Eric Pastore receives his shield from Chief Attanasio.

(above) Officer Eric Pastore receives his shield from Chief Attanasio.

 Police Officer Stephen F. King

On June 22nd the Mountainside Borough Council appointed Stephen F. King as the 83rd police officer in the department’s history. Police Commissioner Turner administered his oath of office while his mother and father stood at his side. King previously served with the New York City Police Department.

(above) Officer Stephen F. King receives his shield from Chief Attanasio.

(above) Officer Stephen F. King receives his shield from Chief Attanasio.