Kelly Post Installs Officers

The Michael A. Kelly Post 2433, Veterans of Foreign Wars of Union, and its Auxiliary, recently installed their officers for the 2016/2017 program year. Robert Jeans, District #5 VFW Commander and Auxiliary Installing Officer Pat Schleck officiated at the ceremony. Calling on the inductees to maintain the high standards of performance and activity of the organization’s past history, Schleck installed the following Auxiliary officers:
President Alma Lauer, Sr.
Vice-President Marion Bozolus, Jr.
Vice-President Gussie Moran,
Secretary Jane Graf,
Treasurer Amelia Rodin,
Chaplain Paula Wojtczak,
Guard Dolly Kizima,
Patriotic Instructor Alice Knecht,
Trustees Marie Kelly and Millie Plesko.
Commander Jeans, commending the Post for its continuing work with hospitalized and needy veterans and various other worthy civic endeavors, installed the following Post officers:
Commander Leo Graf, Sr.
Vice-Commander Joe Lauer, Jr.
Vice-Commander Phil Bozolus,
Quartermaster Bob Johnsen,
Chaplain Ed McElroy,
Judge Advocate Bob Leamy,
Surgeon Dan Sickels,
Trustees Dan Sickels, Joe Barbella,
Leroy Johnson,
Adjutant Joe Lauer
and Service Office Ed McElroy.

(above) Auxiliary Officer Marie Kelly, Millie Plesko, Dolly Kizima, Marion Bozolus, Alice Knecht, Gussie Mahon, Amelia Rodin, Jane, Graf, Pat Young, Alma Lauer, and Paula Wojtczak.

(above) Auxiliary Officer Marie Kelly, Millie Plesko, Dolly Kizima, Marion Bozolus, Alice Knecht, Gussie Mahon, Amelia Rodin, Jane, Graf, Pat Young, Alma Lauer, and Paula Wojtczak.