Caitlin Ianella and Madeline Rae Earn Future Educators Scholarship

Caitlin Ianella Music Teacher Aspirations
Caitlin Ianella was selected for Future Educators Scholarship by Watchung Hills Regional Education Association. It was during middle school that Caitlin Iannella started thinking of becoming a teacher, she said, but it wasn’t until high school that she realized that music would be her chosen field.
“At WHRHS, I learned my real passion in life is music,” Iannella said. Her experience with choir, marching band, and school plays really helped validate this passion. These are interests she plans to pursue in college as well.
“During high school, I found out that I love to inspire others while sharing my passion for music,” she said. “Since I was young, I’ve always enjoyed helping people and teaching will give me a chance to do that.”
At Watchung Hills, exposure to the Child Development program further confirmed Iannella’s interest in education. By completing the full complement of courses, Iannella has gained experience in teaching by working with pre-school students on a daily basis.
As a future teacher, Iannella wants to be the best teacher she can be and she has received great praise for the teachers who have helped her walk the path.
“All of my music teachers, Mrs. Bird, Mr. Udell and Mr. Shah, helped give me inspiration and desire to be a music teacher. Mrs. Jaran, my child development teacher, helped confirm my interest and she has made me a better teacher already.”
Iannella plans to start at Montclair State University next year as a Music Education major. She is interested in teaching music at the middle school level.
Madeline Rae has English Teacher Aspirations
Madeline Rae realized early on in school that being a teacher might be her future. According to Rae, her interest has been “cultivated by the experiences” she has had in middle and high
school, and even earlier.
“As far back as elementary school,” Rae said, “I can remember teachers being so much more than just an English or history expert. They were more of a mentor and advisor for life for me.”
At Watchung Hills, English teachers Laura Goodson and Roy Bumiller have been key role models for Rae. “They both helped kindle my love of books and the written word, helping me to see the hidden meaning behind many of the classics. English is the subject I would like to teach at a high school level because of the books we read and the various topics we explore.”
For Rae, she plans to embark on her exploration next year at Wheaton College, Norton, Mass., where she’ll be an education major focusing on English certification. She also plans to pursue her interest in Track and Field.
Another part of Rae’s high school experience that confirms her desire to teach is her extracurricular life. As a peer leader and a member of the WHRHS Care Club, Rae has developed leadership skills that will help her as a future teacher.
Rae said that “being in various school groups gave me confidence and made me comfortable working with fellow students from different backgrounds.” As a varsity track and field athlete, she mentored young players on the team as her way of paying back to an activity that has provided much enrichment. “Both my academic and social activities have pushed me towards education,” she said.
“As a teacher, I want to help open up my students’ worlds and engage their minds to make their high school experience as wonderful has mine has been,” she said.

(above) Watchung Hills Regional High School (WHRHS) graduating seniors Caitlin Iannella, left, of Stirling and Madeline Rae, right, of Millington have been selected as the recipients of the 2016 Watchung Hills Regional Education Association (WHREA) Scholarship for Future Educators. They are congratulated by WHREA President and WHRHS Social Studies Teacher Kenneth Karnas.

(above) Watchung Hills Regional High School (WHRHS) graduating seniors Caitlin Iannella, left, of Stirling and Madeline Rae, right, of Millington have been selected as the recipients of the 2016 Watchung Hills Regional Education Association (WHREA) Scholarship for Future Educators. They are congratulated by WHREA President and WHRHS Social Studies Teacher Kenneth Karnas.

Photo by WHRHS.