Heroes and Cool Kids

Who are these Heroes and Cool Kids???? The Heroes and Cool Kids program originated in 1998 in three school districts throughout New Jersey. Within a few years the number grew from three schools to fifty-six schools now participating. The objective of the program is to allow the ALJ High School student athletes to mentor the sixth grade Kumpf students on important life skills such as sportsmanship, conflict resolution, and positive lifestyle choices, highlighting drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention. Clark high school “heroes” attend a conference three times within the school year in which they are trained by professional athletes on the different techniques they can use to show that drinking and drugs are not the cool thing to do.
They give them many different options they can participate in as well as refusal skills and the confidence they need to “Just Say NO.” Our heroes are igniting strength and wisdom in our sixth graders so that they can themselves become teachers, leaders, or whatever they dream to be.
Heroes and Cool Kids