Coffee With Mayor Mahr

Approximately 50 Fanwoodians gathered on Saturday morning, June 18th, for an informal chat with Fanwood Mayor Colleen Mahr at Mara’s Cafe in downtown Fanwood. Discussion topics ranged from the anticipated parking lot at Park Middle School, the current status of the local recycling program, the July 13th public meeting on a potential library expansion and pedestrian safety throughout the community.
Residents were interested to hear about future development plans and expressed their hope to retain the “small town feel” that epitomizes this one-square-mile community.
The first in what promises to be a series of regular gatherings, the 2-hour event stretched to 3 hours as the Mayor and residents clearly enjoyed the opportunity for a free-wheeling conversation.

(above) Mayor Colleen Mahr discusses current community issues with several local residents.

(above) Mayor Colleen Mahr discusses current community issues with several local residents.