Salvatore Pantozzi’s Paintings at Gallery


The Gallery on the Boulevard at the Kenilworth Public Library will feature paintings and drawings by Jersey City artist Salvatore Pantozzi, from July 1 through September 1.
A resident of Jersey City for much of his life, Mr. Pantozzi created most of his oil paintings, drawings and sculptures between the late 1960s and early 1990s. Much of his work focused on the area around his Jersey City studio, located above the Hilltop Restaurant on the corner of Jordan Avenue and Mercer Street.
Mr. Pantozzi was a World War II veteran and a member of the Timberwolf 104th Infantry Division from 1942 to 1945. He passed away in 2000. His family continues to bring his artwork to a larger audience. More information about Mr. Pantozzi can be found at
Salvatore Pantozzi’s PaintingsBW