Prepares You for Small Business Ownership

It’s the American dream – having your own business, being your own boss, setting your own hours….But before you take the plunge (or before you get in too deep in a business that you just started), you need to do some serious self reflection and homework.
That’s why UCEDC, a statewide economic development corporation, is offering an intensive six-week workshop for start-up businesses (those in the idea/planning phase or in operation less than a year). The next session of Entrepreneurship 101 is scheduled for Tuesday evenings (6:00 – 9:00 pm), July 12 – August 23, 2016 at UCEDC’s headquarters in Cranford.
“The small business failure rate is staggering,” warns Erich Peter, UCEDC’s Director of Training. “But you’ll be more likely to succeed if you consider every challenge ahead of you and make sure you have what it takes to meet them.”
Participants will be guided through a real world assessment of their business idea and market feasibility as well as their own ability to handle the demands of business ownership. The steps to opening a business in New Jersey, choosing a legal structure, developing a business plan and establishing cost, revenue and cash flow projections will be addressed in a variety of interactive exercises.
“Being a business owner is hard work and this workshop is equally demanding,” says Peter. “But we’re going to work with you both in and outside of the classroom to make sure that the class material is relevant to your specific needs. And, we stick with our graduates for 12 months, providing free counseling services.”
Registration is now open for Entrepreneurship 101. Complete information can be found on the UCEDC website at www.ucedc.com or by calling 908-527-1166.