Cranford Fire Department Welcomes Seven Fire Academy Graduates

On June 15th, six fire recruits from the Cranford Fire Department graduated from the Union County Fire Academy during a ceremony held at the Cranford Campus of Union County College. Call Firefighters Ray Lora, Nicolas Downey, Charlie Hallax, Ed Conte, Jason Cruz and Rob Petrick completed the Fire Academy in the last year. Additionally, Karolyn Buckridee completed her training at the Middlesex County Fire Academy and has also started her service as a Call Firefighter. The Cranford Fire Department relies on these volunteer, “call” firefighters to help supplement career staff at larger emergencies, during storms, and at large public events. Each of the seven recruits completed over 200 hours of academy training, and are now ready to begin responding to a multitude of emergency situations. “The Cranford Fire Department is lucky to have individuals of this caliber as part of our team” said Fire Chief Daniel Czeh. “We’re thrilled they’ve not only completed this challenging training, but have done so with distinction and have been awarded for their efforts.”
One of the graduates, Jason Cruz, of Cranford, received two awards during the graduation ceremony. Call Firefighter Cruz received the Battalion Chief Ken Nocera Memorial Award for Outstanding Excellence in Firefighter 1, and also the Ben Laganga leadership award for demonstrating a commitment to public service and leadership throughout the class.
In addition, Call Firefighters Cruz and Buckridee also serve the Department as Emergency Medical Technicians within the EMS Division.

(above l-r) Cranford Fire Recruits with Fire Chief Czeh at the Fire Academy Graduation: Ray Lora, Nicolas Downey, Charlie Hallax, Chief Czeh, Ed Conte, and Jason Cruz.

(above l-r) Cranford Fire Recruits with Fire Chief Czeh at the Fire Academy Graduation: Ray Lora, Nicolas Downey, Charlie Hallax, Chief Czeh, Ed Conte, and Jason Cruz.