Woodland School’s Chick Project

An incubator with a dozen candled eggs arrived at Mrs. Brower’s and Mrs. Stolfi’s First Grade Classes at Woodland School on April 4th as part of The Quiver Farm Chick Hatching Project. The First Grade Students became “egg tenders” for two weeks turning the eggs every day, keeping the temperature at 99.5 and keeping it humid in the incubator.
The students were serious in the tending of the chicks and watched as the chicks pecked a pip hole in their egg, napped and pecked again and finally emerged.
The students learned a lot as they nurtured the chicks from the time they hatched, took their first sip of water, their first bit of feed, took their first steps, and readied for their trip home to the farm on Friday, April 15th. The chicks seemed to enjoy the children as much as the children enjoyed them during these two weeks. Thank you to The Quiver Farm and the Warren Township Lions Club that sponsored the 2016 Chick Project and have sponsored this project for the past 14 years.

(above) Aydin Bedi holding chick and Matthew Moreira (from Mrs. Brower's class).

(above) Aydin Bedi holding chick and Matthew
Moreira (from Mrs. Brower’s class).


(above l-r) Evan Xiong, Alexandre Pinto, Talon Moy, Mrs. Brower, Maia Jimenez, Alexa Arpino.

(above l-r) Evan Xiong, Alexandre Pinto, Talon Moy, Mrs. Brower, Maia Jimenez, Alexa Arpino.