Warren 31st Annual Fishing Derby

By: Edir Coronado

May 14th marked the 31st Annual Warren Fishing Derby at Dealaman Nature Trail & Pond. An event made possible by the collaboration of the Warren Recreational Department, headed by Eleanor Murfitt; Warren PBA, Local # 235; and The Blue Ridge Outdoorsmen Club, headed by Joe Napple.
It was truly an event to remember and the community looks forward to attending annually, like father and daughter duo; David and MacKenzie Linton, “I come every year to fish,” said MacKenzie. The Linton family have been coming faithfully, in fact, they can’t seem to remember how long, “Five or six years, I don’t know how many years we’ve been coming to this event,” explained David.
Longtime participants like the Linton family are not the only fishing contestants that come out to partake in the yearly occurrence. Rich Seubert and his two boys are new in town and decided to try their luck in the pond. The Seubert family really enjoyed themselves, “It’s a cool event, kids fishing, making memories,” said Rich.
While the fishing competitors enjoyed themselves, behind the scenes Joe Napple and Eleanor Murfitt, who have been a part of the fishing derby since its conception, made sure operations ran smoothly. Napple and the Blue Ridge Outdoorsmen Club had a host of responsibilities including donating and cooking the meals; teaching the proper ways to fish; fixing broken fishing rods; handing out fishing rod loaners; and measuring the caught fish.
Meanwhile Murfitt, their counterpart, made her rounds explaining the regulations, also teaching participants how to fish, and showing general support for all those in attendance. Marry Ellen Florey and Betty Grosswerelr, two observers, were in disbelief at how much the event had grown and attributed the success to the Blue Ridge Outdoorsmen Club and Eleanor Murfitt. Grosswerelr commented, “Blue Ridge is tremendous, today wouldn’t be what it is, without Blue Ridge.” Both Grosswerelr and Florey expressed their appreciation for Murfitt stating, “She is great!”
This year’s fishing competitors resembled professionals, as the club had their hands full measuring Giannna Olivapotenza’s 20+ inch catfish. When asked about her catch, she described it as, “hard to reel the catfish in, at one point the line broke,” she explained, “I usually only catch six inches,” symbolic of the fishing derby’s growing development.
2016 Warren Township 31st Annual Fishing Derby Winners compliments of Warren Township Recreation Commission and Township Committee
Eliasi Lostin from ECC preschool
– 5yrs old – Caught a 28” catfish
(She received a rod & tackle box) All other winners received either a rod or tackle box.
1. Zeke Minieri – 10” bass
2. Charley Severe – 8.5” crappie
1. Angelina Hoang – 21” catfish
2. Alexandre Pinto – 19” catfish
1. Harrison bush – 24” catfish
2. Alex Huan – 21” catfish
3. Michael Ebel – 21” catfish
11-12 YR OLDS
1. Landen Bush – 20” catfish
2. Christopher Burton – 14” catfish
13-14 YR OLDS
1. Michael Minieri – 26” catfish
2. Gianna Olivapotenza – 24” catfish
WarrenFish2016-17 WarrenFish2016-22

Photo By: Edir Coronado