The extraordinary work of the Reeves-Reed Arboretum education staff has been lauded and emulated for many years. Director of Children’s Education, Jackie Kondel, and Environmental Educator, Lisa Martin, continually strive to create exciting, nature-rich programming that is not only innovative, but directly tied to the core curriculum standards set forth each year by the Board of Education. It is no wonder that more than 10,000 children benefited from their efforts and talents in 2015.
On Friday evening May 20th, the Board of Trustees, the Staff, and the Executive Director of Reeves-Reed Arboretum named the Arboretum’s education building, the Mary Reinhart Stackhouse Education Center, in appreciation and recognition of the legacy of Mary Stackhouse. The late Mrs. Stackhouse was a great fan and generous supporter of the Arboretum. An avid golfer and naturalist, Mrs. Stackhouse established her Foundation to specifically support environmental causes, including the preservation and growth of natural open space. Thanks to the Stackhouse Foundation, Reeves-Reed Arboretum has been able to grow the Arboretum’s staffing capacity with the addition of a second environmental educator and three paid horticultural internships.
The Foundation’s trustees, Robert McCurdy, Mary Parker, and Anne Hennessy, were on hand for the ceremony as were the staff and trustees of RRA, and Summit Council Member, David Naidu. Mary McCurdy, wife of Stackhouse trustee Robert McCurdy, spoke of her long friendship with Mary Stackhouse and how happy and proud she would have been with the work being done by the Arboretum’s staff in support of the Stackhouse vision.
Councilman Naidu spoke lovingly about his many visits to the Arboretum, “sometimes alone but never feeling lonely here.” At the moment Director Juliano dedicated the building, a beautiful new hand-crafted fused glass sign, created by artist Barbara Galazzo, blazed the name Mary Reinhart Stackhouse Education Center in a profusion of color and whimsy. A champagne reception immediately followed the dedication ceremony.
Courtesy photo.