Linden Couple Celebrates Their 52nd Wedding Anniversary

By Edir Coronado

April 12th was a special day in Linden for Stanley Wolniak, who celebrated his 102nd birthday: what was more impressive was April 11th marked his 52nd wedding anniversary to Helen Wolniak, who is 94 years old. Stanley and Helen both emigrated to the U.S. around the same time: Helen in 1950 and Stanley in 1951. They met in Newark after being introduced by a mutual friend: several years later, in 1964, they married.
It is no mystery that this couple withstands the test of time having survived slavery and imprisonment in Germany; more recently the passing of her son Zenon Lapinski, who was 69 years old.
Through all of these trials and tribulations this couple still remains very active and independent. You can find Stanley working on his garden, reading about anything having to do with gardening, or his Polish paper. Helen enjoys baking her amazing stuffed cabbage and delicious cheesecake. She also loves to sew, crochet, and cross stitch: walk into their home and you will find many pieces she has worked on throughout the years.
Stanley and Helen prove that true love can last forever.

(above, and right) Wedding day, April 11, 1964

(above, and right) Wedding day, April 11, 1964

(above) Helen and Stanley Wolniak with Son Zenon Lapinski.

(above) Helen and Stanley Wolniak with Son Zenon Lapinski.

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