Happy Pi Day!

by Mary Ann McGann

Pi (or 3.14) represents a mathematical constant -the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. To celebrate Pi Day on 3/14, Central School 5th graders measured the circumference and diameter of bike tires, paper plates and other circular items. “Students were able to discover that the relationship was always about 3 (plus a little) times the diameter equals the circumference – hence Pi!,” says Reach teacher Jill Zimmer, who worked with math teacher Mary Beth LeBlond on this relevant curriculum.

(above l-r) Central School 5th graders Samantha Traister, Lauren Rich, and Claire Gillenwater measure the circumference and diameter of a Frisbee to celebrate Pi Day on 3/14.

(above l-r) Central School 5th graders Samantha Traister, Lauren Rich, and Claire Gillenwater measure the circumference and diameter of a Frisbee to celebrate Pi Day on 3/14.