Warren Middle School Sixth Graders Create Virtual Ancient Greek Agora

Alexander the Great (a.k.a. Warren Middle School Principal Robert Comba) visited a virtual ancient Greek agora (open air marketplace) on March 18, as part of a creative sixth grade social studies unit.
Under the guidance of library media specialist Cynthia Cassidy, 6th graders were tasked with creating a modern day business plan for a mythological Greek god or goddess, including what products/services would be offered and where in the agora the storefront should reside. (Feuding gods/goddesses might not make the best neighbors, for example.) Businesses in the 6th grade agora include Poseidon’s Amazing Aquarium and Artemus’s Sporting Goods Store.

(above) Toga-clad sixth grade teachers Leslie Ortega (L) and Jennifer Benn look on as Alexander the Great (a.k.a. principal Robert Comba) visits a virtual ancient Greek agora (open air marketplace) created by their students. Photo Credit: Mary Ann McGann

(above) Toga-clad sixth grade teachers Leslie Ortega (L) and Jennifer Benn look on as Alexander the Great (a.k.a. principal Robert Comba) visits a virtual ancient Greek agora (open air marketplace) created by their students.
Photo Credit: Mary Ann McGann